USW's Teacher Education Program (TEP)

All students who intend to become licensed or certified teachers must apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to the Teacher Education Program. Application to TEP should be made during the sophomore year. Transfer students who enter the University after their sophomore year must apply when they meet the eligibility criteria. All education students are required to meet the following minimal eligibility criteria to be considered for provisional or conditional admission to Teacher Education:

1.  Must be admitted to University of the Southwest and be in good standing.
2.  Must have completed at least 45 semester credit hours. Transfer students who enter the University after their sophomore year must apply when they meet the eligibility criteria.
3.  Must have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better.
4.  Must submit the completed TEP application packet.
5.  Must attend the TEP student meeting.
6.  Must have completed a successful admission interview with the TEP committee.

The TEP student meeting is held at least twice a year, once usually in April and once usually in November. The TEP application packet is made available during the student meeting(s) to students who have been identified as meeting criteria for admission.

Candidates should carefully review the TEP Application Packet for details on admission to the Teacher Education Program. The TEP packet is made available during the Teacher Education Program meeting held every semester to students who have been identified as meeting criteria for admission. Admission to the TEP is not guaranteed by satisfying the minimum admission requirements. Candidates admitted to the Teacher Education Program are subject to all University academic and general policies as well as those specified for the teaching license. Any action taken by the New Mexico Legislature or the New Mexico Secretary of Public Education, which affects teacher licensure, supersedes requirements stated here. Candidates should consult the College of Education or their academic advisors about the New Mexico Praxis exams required to obtain a teaching license. Generally, candidates should take the Core Academic Skills during the semester they complete the coursework in their teaching fields. Candidates who require accommodations for the Praxis exams because of a disability must apply and get approval by the ETS Disability Services. Information on accommodations is located on the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs. Candidates may register for the Praxis exams and obtain the Bulletin on the Internet at

Until an education major receives full admission to the TEP, the candidates are limited to the 1000 & 2000 level courses in education before meeting the criteria for admission to the TEP. A delay in applying for admission to TEP or failure to meet requirements may result in prolonging program completion.

Candidates are encouraged to take the Praxis subject assessments before or during the semester of their student teaching experience. Teacher candidates are expected to demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and dispositions that will enable them to address the needs of all learners. They are required to master the entry-level competencies and standards identified by the University, the Secretary of Public Education, and designated professional organizations. If a candidate seems to be inadequate in any of these professional requisites, at the discretion and professional judgment of the faculty, the candidate may be required to appear before an Academic Review Committee. The Committee may recommend a variety of actions, ranging from developmental procedures to withdrawal from the Teacher Education Program.