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Personal Info
First Name:Middle:Last:

Other Last Names:

Male Female

Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy):

Social Security Number:

Cell Phone:

Home Phone:

Email Address:

Current Address:

City:State:Zip Code:

Country or Citizenship:

Background Info
Choose the following that best describes yourself:
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White

Are you of Hispanic or Latino Descent? *

Resident Alien:
Yes No

Alien Reg. Number:

Current Visa Type:

Served in Military?
Yes No

If yes, years of service (approximate):

Convicted of a Felony?
Yes No

If yes, explain:

MBA Specialization

Do you intend to apply for or use financial aid? *
Yes No

Expected Entry Date
0-3 Months 3-6 Months 6-12 Months

Where did you receive your bachelors degree? (School, City, State)

When did you receive your bachelors degree? (Year)

Do you already have graduate credits?
Yes No

Have you ever been dismissed from a higher education institution?
Yes No

How did you hear about USW?

In approximately 500 words, please provide a personal essay explaining how an MBA from University of the Southwest will help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Use the field provided or attach below.

Please provide a professional resume. Use the field provided or attach below.

To attach an existing essay and/or resume, please email to with attachments.

Students who are admitted and choose to enroll are expected to abide by all policies, standards, and expectations as outlined in the University of the Southwest Academic Catalog and the Student Handbook . 

The policy of University of the Southwest is to provide equal opportunity for all qualified persons in the educational programs and activities that the University operates.  The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, or any other protected status to the extent prohibited by applicable nondiscrimination laws in its admission policy, employment, scholarship and loan programs, educational, athletic, and other activities that it operates.